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The Netherlands

Hamelink & Van den Tooren - Tax lawyer


Adal Yalçin

As of September 1st, 2023, Adal has joined Hamelink & Van den Tooren in the role of VAT (compliance) advisor. Prior to this, Adal accumulated three years of experience in the financial sector.
Adal is currently in the final stages of completing his HBO bachelor’s degree in finance, Tax & Advice, specializing in Tax Advice at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. His passion for the field of tax law is evident not just from his choice of study, but also from his bachelor's thesis in which he deeply explored the 2024 Minimum Tax Law (Pillar 2) and its implementation implications.
During his bachelor's program, Adal served two years as the president of a major financial and taxation student association, where he primarily managed acquisition, representation, and maintaining relationships with sponsors.
Adal aspires to pursue a master’s degree in international business taxation alongside his current responsibilities.

You can contact Adal by e-mail at or by telephone on +31 20 333 92 80. 
